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History Of Video Games Timeline And First Video Game

The history of video games dates back to the earliest years of the 21st century. How the history of video games has evolved is a question asked by nearly everyone interested in the history of video games. 

The history of video games goes as far back as the early 1950s One can ask, for example, what were the first games to be programmed? How did games evolve from playing cards to arcade machines? To answer these questions one must look at the history of video games.

History Of Video Games
History Of Video Games

Computers Invented

The history of video games starts in the history of computing. Computers were invented by a man named Larry H. Smith. He worked with an IBM machine to design the first electronic game. 

The history of games on computers can be traced back to the history of amusement. Early travelers would make use of devices to play charades and other games to pass the time on long journeys.

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History of amusement

The history of video games is the history of entertainment. The history of game history begins with the history of amusement. Early travelers would use devices like marbles and wheels to pass the time and games such as croquet and dominoes were invented. 

Other early games to have wide appeal include croquet, hide and seek, musical chairs, push button and minigame.

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First computer game

The golden age of arcade video games was from 1978 to 1982. The history of video games can also be traced to the history of computer science. In the history of computer science, a person called Richard Stallman created the first computer game. 

Stallman was motivated by his frustration with the limitations of the traditional computer. In his quest for a game that was better than the computer, he designed the first virtual reality game and released it in the market.

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Information technology

The history of video games can also be traced to the history of information technology. The history of video games can be traced to the history of information technology. Early civilizations like Egypt, Persia and China were dependent on the history of writing and their written records. 

The history of video games is the history of information technology. In the history of computer science, the history of video games can be seen as the history of information technology.


The history of video games can be seen to have an influence on the history of computer science and the history of information technology. Video games today are used in education. Students in schools have been found to be influenced by the history of video games. 

History of games has influenced children's habits today. The history of video games can be seen to have a wide influence on the history of computers and the history of information technology.

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