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How To Control More Usage Of Battery In Mobile Easy

With the introduction of mobile phones, you can find a lot of battery trouble that needs to be resolved. But, how can we deal with it properly? Do we just get rid of the handset and take the risk of it's malfunctioning in the end? Yes, it is a serious problem but not as serious as one that you face if you do not solve it immediately.


The main cause of the malfunction in the battery of your mobile phones is excessive use. It might not come to your notice at the time of usage but in the long run, it could make the cell phone useless. So, what is the way to handle this situation effectively? Here are some tips:


How To Control More Usage Of  Battery In Mobile Easy
How To Control More Usage Of  Battery In Mobile Easy

Usage patterns

Take a look at your usage patterns. Find out which time of the day is when you use your handset the most. If you want to use your mobile in less then try to set it to vibrate mode.


Usage Patterns of your friends and family

Keep a watch on the usage patterns of your friends and family. This would provide you a bright idea of what they are doing. The reason for this is that most people prefer their phones to vibrate mode at night while some prefer to use it during the day as well.


Low Power Mode

Turn down the phone. Some handsets have a feature called "Low Power Mode", in which the power consumption is reduced considerably while others are kept active even when the handset is turned off. Try and see which mode your phone is in.


Use Other Handsets for other purposes

Use other handsets for other purposes. Sometimes, you will find yourself with a bad usage pattern for your mobile phones. In this case, you should look into purchasing another handset. If you think that you will be using your phone heavily, then you should take the help of a specialist to do a little replacement.


Rechargeable battery

Get a phone that has a rechargeable battery. While these days, almost all the mobiles have a recharged battery, there are many handsets that do not. There is no harm in buying a second-hand model of your handset and use it in emergencies.


Mentioned tips

When the above-mentioned tips are followed, then the problems related to the usage of mobile phones would not hamper your usage. too much. So, do not worry too much if your mobile phone is unable to function properly or show a malfunction as it can be fixed.


Once the problem is sorted out, it will give you a reason to purchase a new handset. If you are not interested in buying a new handset, then you can always take help from your service provider. This way you can get an alternate handset or a cheaper version of the mobile phone that will perform the same functions as the original.


Some simple rules

How to control more usage of battery in mobile easy by following some simple rules. If your phone is running slow, then you will not be able to use it for long. So, follow these simple rules.


Hands are not sweaty

Make sure that your hands are not sweaty while you are using it. The sweat will cause heat damage to the battery and affect its performance. Also, try to switch on the mobile when you are tired.


Don't charge extra

Don't charge your mobile more than the battery is actually capable of handling. If your mobile needs to be charged more than its capacity, then the device might not work properly.


Whilst charging

Make sure that you do not use your mobile whilst charging it. This will not only cause damage to the mobile but also cause some other problems with the internal workings of the mobile. as, well. In such a case, it would be best to store the mobile for a few hours before charging it again.



If you follow these simple rules then you would not have any problem with these different reasons. and problems related to the performance of your mobile phones. When you use these tips religiously, then you will see a drastic change in the way you handle your mobile phones.

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