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How to qualify for social security 5 easy steps

 Social Security gives you information, financial benefits, and tools to assist in securing the future for you and your loved ones now and into the future. When your parents made you a baby and named you baby, starting a lifelong security. 

You were able to have decent paying work during those years just to provide for your basic living requirements. You worked hard for what you got. Now as an adult, you want more out of life than the simple stability of a salary. You have dreams that you want to accomplish but are not sure how to get them.

How to qualify for social security 5 easy steps
How to qualify for social security 5 easy steps

1. Source of income

You have worked long enough to qualify for social security benefits. You probably have a source of income to supplement your safety net. All you need is a little help deciding how to proceed. How long do you currently work?

2. Disabled 

If you were disabled as the result of a work-related accident that caused you to miss more than six months of work, then you are eligible for Social Security disability benefits. 

The government pays for the cost of your medical care and monthly living expenses if you qualify for social security disability benefits. This benefit is usually called SSI (Social Security Income), and can be a large financial windfall for the person who is enabled.

3. Contact the social security office

How to qualify for social security disability benefits is fairly simple and quick. First you need to contact the social security office near you. You will need the person's personal information such as name, address, date of birth, social security number, and more.

 Most applications take about 45 minutes or so to fill out and submit. As you can see, the application process is pretty easy and fast.

4. Disability benefits (SSI)

In order to be awarded disability benefits (SSI) or social security disability insurance, you must meet a few requirements. You must have a least one year of steady employment that is steady work in which you bring in at least a quarter of the month's wages. 

Furthermore, you must also have been unable to work for a period of two continuous months. The specific requirements are not very complex, but they are rather specific. 

It takes a qualified doctor to make this determination, so if you think you might qualify you should get an appointment scheduled for a medical exam. If you do not meet these requirements, then the social security office may deny your application.

5. More information

To see how to qualify for disability insurance or SSI benefits you should get more information from the SSA. They offer several web pages where you can find information on how to qualify for social security disability. 

They can give you a listing of the medical conditions for which you qualify for benefits or how to file for disability claims. In addition, they can help you choose the best insurance plan for your particular situation.

 Social Security is one of the most generous programs for disabilities, but you must be aware that you can be denied benefits if you do not meet the requirements.

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