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When Did Tiktok, Twitter and YouTube Become Popular

 "When did Twitter, Facebook and Tagged Out become important?" The answer is that these three social media outlets have been important in helping the growth of a company like Twitter.

 However, the way that these three websites have grown in popularity has changed over time. When did tiktok become popular? The answer is that when Twitter first became available, it was quickly embraced by an American company and started becoming accepted by other companies in the business world.

When Did Tiktok, Twitter and YouTube Become Popular
When Did Tiktok, Twitter and YouTube Become Popular


One of the reasons that tiktok become popular is because it was one of the easiest ways for a company like Twitter to reach out to people. For example, a popular reason that companies use Twitter is for customer feedback. 

Broadcast asking 

A company could send out a broadcast asking people questions about their experience with a product and in response, people would tweet about their experience. If the tweet was compelling enough, many people would recommend it to their friends and this would result in a lot of people seeing the tweet.

Another reason

Another reason that Twitter and YouTube are so popular is because they are two of the most popular social media platforms on the planet. The next reason that these two platforms have become so popular is because YouTube is a video sharing site and there are many people who prefer to watch videos on a website versus just searching for videos on a search engine.

Promote your business

 If you are a business and you want to promote your business, you could easily do so with YouTube. When did tiktok become popular? YouTube was first introduced to the world as a social video platform.

YouTube is owned by Google

Finally, YouTube is owned by Google and therefore, has a wide array of safety concerns that have been brought up by users. Many fear that it is a dangerous site and that one could create a lot of trouble for themselves, their families, and even society itself with the things that they post.

Safety features

 Because of this, Google has constantly made safety features as a priority in its search engine. There is a very clear and organized system for reporting offensive content and there is even a place that you can go to report a video if you feel like someone is being threatening or harassing you on the site. 

The fact that there is so much controversy surrounding YouTube has led to the creation of a different social media platform.

Rise of Vine

One of the biggest threats to the YouTube community came from the rise of Vine, which was created from YouTube's Content Network. Vine is a video sharing app where people can post short clips of themselves or others.


 Unlike YouTube, a person can turn on their advertisements through their Vine account without having to sign up for YouTube. Because of this, more people are trying to take advantage of Vine's popularity and for a while, they had the top spot in the overall Vine rankings. When did tiktok become popular on Vine?

The answer is actually a bit simpler than what some people might expect. When the iPhone was released in the United States, it revolutionized the mobile market. 

Favorite mobile apps

People were now able to carry around their favorite mobile apps, including games and social media options such as Facebook. Because of this, users who did not already have an iPhone found that they could now download an app and take it with them wherever they went.

 Since the iPhone is available in over 50 countries across the world, it was only a matter of time before an American company would release an app that could be downloaded to the phone.

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